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Monday 31 December 2012

Menu Please Bistro ♥SDJ Kaki♥

Happy New Year
Time like flies~today is the last day of year 2012!! I am rushing of doing this "final post" for year of 2012. We were actually had the gathering for our form 6 group"SDJ Kaki" at Menu Please Bistro after the 2 days of Christmas, so this gathering can consider as the "Merry Christmas belated" celebration" ==", i know it was kinda lame..haha~Merry Christmas belated!! Back to topic, i was planned on having the Korea-is style on that day, everyone is crazy-ing about k-pop recently, so do i, but i think mission failed lol~ Cuz while i was on the way curled my hair that day then suddenly my phone was ring, yes, one of the SDJ kaki member - ex-monitor, Mr Dino was asked me izi wanna came and fetched me and he say he will reach my home at another 5 minutes..Oh GOD..of course my answer is "OKAY", tq Mr Dino!! so i ended up with half curled messy hairstyle plus naked face, lolz...i don't have time to makeup and continue curl my hair..So conclusion is my style was changing from Korea-is style to Messy Sapo(Mad gal) style ==""LOLZ~

So again, Phikphik, Guan Min and Kaiying absent on that day..well..nvm..

Fatty-bom bom face
 So, here i am - Menu Please Bistro that located at 25, Jalan Maju, Taman Maju Jaya, 80400 Johor Bahru, Johor. We were chosen this bistro as our gathering venue cuz this bistro was opened by our SDJ ex-schoolmate, so it is the must we should support!!

Here some food items in the menu, i think that their food price is kinda pricey..but i think it is valuable if the food is delicious><
 So here our ex-schoolmate backscene, the lady boss of Menu Please Bistro.
Passion fruit Tea if not wronged
Breaded Chicken Chop 
 Please let me declare at here, this cutie is not our SDJ members ya..haha, he is the boy that took care by one of the SDJ kaki member's mummy..he was so paiseh lol
 This is Dino + Pasta, admin of the SDJ Kaki group
 Catherine + Pasta
 Lynn + Pasta
 Oriental Duck Handmade pizza
 Ish..this pizza was soo soo crispy..kinda recommended item!!Thumbs up
 Me, Elsa, Madelynn + pizza
 I think the most important "must do" matter of every gathering is pictures time.
 Oriental Duck Pizza was so delicious, yum yum~
 Not going to do any caption at here, just let the pictures do the talking=))
Actually there were tons of pictures taken on that day but i just choosing some of the best pictures i think to paste at here..
 The photo i liked the most...gals with sweetest smile
Gosh... i am truthfully thought that Madelynn and Dino are so match to each other based on this photo..but sad to said that, Madelynn status is "not available"..
Kick them aside, me and Catherine were on their behind syok ourselves, please focus on us@@ look at the next photo to see out finalize photo of syok sendiri.
 So, here is the yield of the last photo..
 I am a bit cacat in the below photo..Catherine alwaz have the sweet smile on face
 Lastly...Happy New Year!!!!!C u guys at next gathering!!!perhaps i am able to done my makeup and hair styling next time..haha..CHEERS!!!SDJKAKI!!
How about the New Year Celebration of you guys???
Lolz...i think i will just celebrate with my family lol as i am going to start my official new job tomorrow, so nervous and excited!!!Wish me good luck lol=))

Let's count down together for the 1.1.2013

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I need you all support♥

Saturday 29 December 2012

Home-made Pancakes Recipe


最近,常常在Channel 8看到麦当劳的早餐广告,广告的内容主要就是打着麦当劳的bigbreakfast里的items.其中一样就是松饼,我们通常称它为"Pancakes"...那时候其实也没有什么想法~

Ding..Ding..Ding...想到了!就做pancakes吧...其实我也不知道为什么会想自己在家做pancakes(应该是浅意识里受到麦当劳早餐广告的影响吧,再加上知道pancakes的做法不需要用到烘焙机)。有了这个想法后,第一时间马上上youtube观看做pancakes的方法,挺简单的,的确是能在家自己制作的一样糕点。不过,在我所观看的全部video里,大多数都是使用低筋面粉加泡打粉或baking powder(其实我分不清这两样是不是一样的东西)或发粉..我承认我是一个烘培白痴好了。我根本不知道什么是低筋面粉,泡打粉这些东西..还蛮担心买错的~

其实这些pancake mix是我在Aeon Tebrau City Jusco买了Pillsbury Original Pancake Mix后再去Plaza Pelangi Cold Storage 之后才发现的,原来在市面上有这么多种类的pancake mix,在心中“哇”了一下。(Aeon  Tebrau City Jusco只有卖一款咯!)

大家买的时候要注意看哦~有的pancake mix只需加水就行了,而我买的刚好需要加蛋和牛奶(比较麻烦,不过价钱相对较低)。

Chocolate chips口味的pancake mix.

这个是是另一款Pillsbury pancake mix,只需加水就行,RM16.29
以下就是我买的Pillsbury Pancake Mix, RM13.90, 较便宜,不过就需自己买鲜奶和鸡蛋来掺
后面有很详细的basic recipe,要煎15至16片的pancakes大约需要250g的粉,350ml的鲜奶和一粒鸡蛋。
现在开始我自己的=CailynEvolution pancakes的制作方法,如果大家上网搜索的话,肯定会找到很多不同的制作方法,其实大都可行,不过味道,口感以及松软度的程度可能就会因为食谱的差异而有所不同啦..好吧~看看我的版本。

Pillsbury original Pancake & Waffle Mix - 1 杯
鸡蛋- 1粒
HL牛奶(只要是鲜奶就行了)- 260ml
牛油- 1汤匙
糖 - 1汤匙
盐- 半汤匙

Step 1: 把鸡蛋打进碗里并打散
Step 2:利用容器测量260ml的牛奶,然后倒入刚刚打散的鸡蛋碗里,再搅拌均匀
Step 3:随便使用一个容器并利用它来装满pancake mix粉(装满的话大概能做7到10片,视形状大小而改变)
Step 4: 舀一汤匙的牛油然后煮溶它
Step 5:先把量好的pancake mix粉倒进另一个容器里,再把溶化的牛油倒入粉里
Step 6:加入一汤匙的糖和半汤匙的盐(如果喜欢吃无甜味的pancakes,可以省略这个step)
如果根据以上步骤,第一个橙色碗里会有搅拌好的鸡蛋和牛奶,而第二个容器里会有pancake mix粉,溶化的牛油,一汤匙的糖和半汤匙的盐
Step 7:把搅拌好的橙色碗里的材料倒入容器里
Step 8:随便利用汤匙或叉来搅拌
Step 9:大家可以利用舀汤的大勺舀起面糊(1片的份量)然后倒入不粘锅的平底锅里。
Step 10:把火调至中火,大约煎个3分钟之后,面糊的表面层就会像有许多泡泡这样凹下去,这个时候就能翻面了
Step 11:看看吧~煎好的其中一面就是这个样子,看起来是不是很可口呢?接下去,让pancakes再煎个1,2分钟,就能上桌了。
Step 12: 来到了点缀部分,这个部分属于自由发挥。我准备了奇异果并把它切片,然后再买了一支蜜糖酱
Step 13:把pancakes摆盘,再放上刚刚的奇异果片和淋上蜜糖酱~
Tata~~~CailynEvolution DIY 版Pancakes诞生啦~
如果有什么关于pancakes食谱的疑问能留言给我哦!我会尽快回复大家!!再见啦,我要去品尝我的CailynEvolution DIY pancakes啦。

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